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Philadelphia’s Eviction Diversion Program: A Stall Tactic?

Philadelphia’s Eviction Diversion Program: A Stall Tactic?

What is the Eviction Diversion Program (EDP)?  

The EDP is one part of the process that is required by a landlord when filing for eviction in Philadelphia, otherwise known as, a program designed to delay the eviction process. 

What is the law?

The current law requires rental property owners to first send a Notification of Rights Letter to any tenant the owner wants to file for eviction upon.  Then, file for eviction diversion. After another thirty days, you can then file with Municipal Court.  In summary, the owner must let the tenant know that they have a right to mediation before having to go before a judge.  The owner must wait thirty days for the tenant to decide if they want mediation.  The idea is that the delinquency can be mediated and therefore lessen the number of filings in the court.  From Del Val’s experience, less than 1% of tenants request the meeting, making this process a stall tactic and beyond frustrating. 

Will EDP go away?

The program is scheduled to end on December 31, 2022, but don’t count on it.  If this is anything like the ever-changing rules and laws that have been employed since March 2020, the ability for a tenant to stall instead of paying rent will likely be around for some time.

Want more information? Need more clarification? I am here to help.

Mary Ann Brennan

Director of Rental Services

Del Val Realty & Property Management
